When travelling internationally, there are certain import rules and regulations that you need to abide by. A Rabies Titer Test or Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Test (RNAT) is one such mandatory process to take your pet to any rabies-free country.
A rabies titer test is used to test if your pet has been vaccinated against rabies, and if the vaccination prompted enough of an immune response. It gets its name from titration, which is the testing process used.
A titer test is performed after your pet has been microchipped and vaccinated against rabies. The sample for this test must be taken at least 30 days after your pet's vaccination. A titer of greater or equal to 0.5 IU/mL is the minimum level at which your pet is protected against rabies, and is the minimum result required for international travel.
Remember, you must wait for 3 months after the date of the blood sample was taken before you can embark on international pet transportation if travelling from a high-rabies country.
Countries around the world are classified into three tiers, depending on how prevalent rabies is in them: rabies-free countries, rabies-controlled countries, and high-rabies countries.
A blood titer test is necessary before international travel with your pet to most countries. All of Europe lists it as a requirement, and large parts of North America do as well. While some countries do not require a titer test by default, for countries classified as high-rabies, extra precautions are in place for pet imports.
Why do countries list such a test as a mandatory requirement, you may ask? A titer test is necessary before any international travel with a pet to ensure it is free of any viral infection and has zero chance of infecting local animals and wildlife in the destination country. In short, it is to safeguard a country’s ecosystem and ensure no foreign contaminants can enter it.
A Titer Test is performed on a small blood sample extracted from your pet. This sample is tested by dilution, after which the antibody levels are measured.
The titer tests express this blood sample’s result in the form of a ratio; this ratio indicates how many times the sample can be weakened/diluted until there’s no traces of any antibodies. While titer tests are of many kinds and for numerous different purposes, A titer test for pet animals typically means a rabies antibody test/rabies titer test.
This helps test for the number of antibodies your pet has developed, and whether the number is sufficient to prevent any future re-infections. A successful vaccination result should produce a ratio of at least 0.5 IU/ml, which is the level at which the vaccination is deemed a success and your pet is protected against the rabies virus.
Travelling with your pet?
Let us simplify your journey.
Moving Pets Within Borders Is A Troublesome Task, With A Stack Of Documents To Be Proofed And Submitted, And Considering A Lot Of Shipping Restrictions. There Are Primarily Three Modes Of Transporting Pets In India Air, Train And Ground Shipping.’
A Person Can Get Maximum Two Pets Either Dog Or Cat To India. Relocating Pets To India Requires Documents Like, Import Permit ( NOC ) , AQCS Certificate, Veterinary Health Certificate From The Country Of Origin, Pet Microchip And Updated Vaccination Record.
The Best Option To Travel With Your Pet Depends Upon Distance, Time And Health Of Your Pet. There Are Three Modes To Travel With Your Pet Flight, Train And Ground Shipping ( Cab ). If You Are Travelling International Flight Is The Only Option As Well As One Of The Safest Way To Travel With Your Pet.
Pet Mostly Get Anxious During Travel To Avoid This You Can Train Your Pet For Socialising Skills. Crate Train The Pet For A Comfortable Journey. Take Him To Large Crowed Make Him Comfortable With The Noises In The Surrounding.
Average Domestic Pet Transportation In India Can Cost Somewhere Between Rs. 20000/- To Rs. 60000/- INR. The Service Involves Parameters That Are Subject To Change On Distinctive Variants Like Size Of The Pet Crate, Modes Of Transportation Like Flight, Train And Car.