Pets being exported must be microchipped.

Travelling with your pet?
Let us simplify your journey.
How much does it cost to import a dog to Dubai?
The cost of a relocation depends on variable factors like your pet’s age, size, breed, crate size, and so on.
How long does the pet import process typically take in Dubai?
The pet import process typically takes between 1-15 days, depending on the nature of your journey.
What documents do you need to provide when importing a pet into Dubai?
You will need an import permit, a customs bill of landing, a microchip, a health certificate, and a rabies titer test certificate (if travelling from a high-rabies country).
What are the requirements for importing a pet into Dubai?
Pets must be vaccinated against rabies, must have a microchip, and must obtain an import permit from the MOCCAE.
Are there any quarantine regulations for pets imported into Dubai?
No, there is not, unless your pet shows signs of sickness during the import inspection.