
Our Campaigns

At Carry My Pet, we believe that responsibility requires more than mere interest. It requires focussed, continuous engagement with the community to promote a sustainable environment, ethical business practices, and growth in the community. We invite you to take a glance at our efforts towards the same, as we continue to strive for a better world for all.

#SweatersAllTheWay: Carry My Pet distributes sweaters for strays in Gurugram

Winter had arrived. While we stay at home and snuggle with our pets, providing them all the comfort they deserve including sweaters, warm food and bedding, there’s another section of the society we termed as “stray”, who are wandering around without the basic winter necessities like a sweater. The team of Carry My Pet collected old sweaters and jackets inside our office itself, made dog sweaters out of them, and put them on these strays. The initiative was taken to raise awareness in people to take out old sweaters and shirts probably rotting somewhere in their closets and donate them to these strays who are in dire need of them.

#StopTheShor: Carry My Pet distributes earmuffs for strays in Gurugram to help them have an anxiety-free Diwali

In October 2022, Team Carry My Pet took to the streets of Gurugram and distributed anti-anxiety earmuffs to about 50 strays in the area to muffle the noise from the crackers. The move aimed to encourage people around the country to think about the strays before bursting crackers during the festivities. The loud noises make animals on the street anxious, apprehensive, and frightened. While several pets run away from their home and end up on the streets or in animal shelters, strays become restless and can even get seriously injured in accidents.

#LetsCoExistTogether: Carry My Pet unveils a Video Campaign to Advocate for Pets and Humans’ coexistence

Pet parents often face opposition from neighbors for the alleged menace created by their furry babies. In fact, many cases of violence toward pet parents and animal cruelty are being reported daily. To address this crucial yet unresolved problem, Carry My Pet launched a video campaign to advocate peace, love, and understanding between pet parents and society. The campaign focused on how animals are also a part of society as any human and must be treated fairly and kindly.

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